Werkschulheim Felbertal - Private Secondary School with Trade and Boarding School
A-level exams combined with a trade apprenticeship: for sixty years, this has been the time-tested pedagogical method of the private secondary school Werkschulheim Felbertal in Ebenau bei Salzburg. Every graduate is guaranteed a rigorous academic education as well as complete practical training in a trade; choosing between mechatronics, mechanical engineering, and cabinet making. The four year long focus on technical handwork in the lower school, as well as an emphasis on language and computer science in the upper school are distinctive features of this educational program. The intertwining network between the academic school, the trade school, and the boarding program uniquely prepare students for later life. The Werkschulheim diploma is recognised throughout the EU. The intimate setting, modern curriculum, and an outstanding learning atmosphere distinguish this school experience. The exciting diversity of extra-curricular activities balance out the academic school day, and the annual sport, culture, and project weeks round out the experience of learning with all the senses. Werkschulheim Felbertal ranks among the top schools in Austria, and its timehonoured educational concepts produce consistently top rankings.
Translation: Hannah Robinson